Monthly Statistics

South King County

The graphs below provide a snapshot of the current real estate trends in south King County. You can compare the most recent month's trends with that same month one year ago and two years ago. Looking at year-over-year statistics can provide some sense of the health of our market, however it is important to remember that there are always other factors and trends that influence these numbers. Please contact me if you would like a more complete picture of our market, or further explanation of how the latest trends relate to you.

Data updates by the 10th of every month

For Sale, Pended, Sold

This graph shows the number of homes for sale, pending, and sold in south King County. Looking at the two-year history shows you the seasonality of the real estate market.

Price / Sq. Ft.

This graph shows the average sold price per square footage in south King County.


Days on Market & Price Ratio

This graph explores two different, but related aspects of our market. Average days on market means the number of days from the date a property is listed until it goes Pending.

The price ratio shows the difference between the listing price and the final sold price of the property. If a property sells for the full list price, the ratio is 100%. If it sells for less than full price, the percentage will drop below 100. And if it sells for more than list price, the percentage will be larger.



This graph explores current prices in south King County. You can see the median sold price in any given month, the average sold price, and the average price of homes currently for sale, and the relationship between them.



This graph shows how many months supply of inventory currently in south King County based on pended homes. In other words, if no new listings came to market, how many months it would take until all properties were pending or sold. Zero to three months is considered a Seller's market, three to six months is a balanced, neutral market, and anything above six months is considered a Buyer's market.


Me pups color

In just 26 days, we went from meeting with Kristine to find out if we could buy, to owning our first home! She accepted all our calls/texts promptly and very thoroughly explained (in plain English) what we needed to know. Her recommendations regarding lenders and inspectors were great too. The whole process was so smooth and basically as painless as it could be! I will definitely be recommending her to friends and family in the future.